Quick mixed drinks bartending tips: # Cubes – Cubes are the most recognizable form of ice, and the most versatile. The uses for ice cubes are just about endless. Used for liquor on the rocks, for stirring, for shaking, or even just to chill a drink, you are more likely to see ice cubes in a drink than any other form. Ice cubes are thicker and larger than other types of ice. Because of this, they are slower to melt and less likely to dilute a drink. Read more – View How To Make Plasma Cutter mixed drink
1 oz 1800® Tequila
1/3 oz triple sec
1/3 oz Midori® melon liqueur
1/3 oz Blue Curacao liqueur
All liqueurs are chilled. first add 1 oz. of tequila, then add 1/3 oz. of triple sec, then add 1/3 oz. of midori melon liqueur, then add 1/3 oz. of blue curacao. If all of the liquers are chilled, the shot will go from this nice blue, fades to green, into a nice yellow. eg plasma cutter.
Shot Glass alcohol 0.33
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